How Your Donation Impacts the Unborn
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 11:56 AM

How Your Donation Impacts the Unborn

Wednesday, November 24, 2021 11:56 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 11:56 AM

You see the request for the donation. You’re pro-life, and you pray abortion will end in your lifetime, so it makes sense to provide financial support to organizations like ICU Mobile, who are working every day in communities like yours. So, why the hesitation to click that “Donate Now” button?

The biggest question most people ask is, “Where does the money go?” Great question and one you deserve the answer to when you’re trusting your hard-earned dollars to the stewardship of someone else. In your case, the question is more profound. You need to know how your donation truly saves a baby’s life. 

Your donations are part of the ICU Mobile journey. We build and distribute the mobile units containing the pregnancy ultrasound machines operated by pregnancy centers across the country. 

When you donate to ICU Mobile, you help us with the cost to build the mobile units - those large RVs that, on the outside, have our logo painted on them. The inside has been outfitted to be a place of respite where women facing an unplanned pregnancy are surrounded by people who care about her and her baby. Inside, we create a calm, welcoming environment where we can share truthful information with her. Your donation allows us to let her see, through ultrasound, the very real life of the baby growing inside her. 

When you donate to ICU Mobile, you support an effort to bring vital services to women where they are. We don’t have to hope they’ll find a pregnancy center before they’re drawn in by Planned Parenthood. We can go to them. Mobile unit operators GO to areas that are in high need in their communities. We can be found in the grocery store parking lot, on the street outside a school, at the neighborhood park - doors open with a professional team waiting inside to give free services to every woman who steps on board.

When you donate to ICU (I see you) Mobile, you make ultrasound technology available that reveals life. This first look at life is a significant factor in her decision about her baby’s fate. 

When you donate to ICU Mobile, you can save two lives. The physical life of the baby and the eternal life of the mother. The pregnancy centers that operate the mobile units in their communities are filled with teams of women who love Jesus and love the women they serve. Because of that love, they share the Gospel of Christ so that each woman has the opportunity to receive eternal life through a relationship with Jesus. 

How does your donation impact the unborn? Your dollars go on a journey, but ultimately, they end up with the unborn getting the opportunity to be seen which is their best chance to be saved.

 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9

Do you feel called to give? Our Loving Life Initiative is bringing more mobile units into communities in need.

Biblical Truth on the Value of All Lives
Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:19 PM

Biblical Truth on the Value of All Lives

Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:19 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:19 PM

You turn things upside down,

    as if the potter were thought to be like the clay!

Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it,

    “You did not make me”?

Can the pot say to the potter,

    “You know nothing”? - Isaiah 29:16

These days, don’t we feel like shouting this very scripture from the rooftops? Not only was this true in the days of Jesus, but it also continues to this very day. There is nothing new under the sun….

Does it seem as though people are going to greater lengths to distance themselves from God? They deny Him as the Creator of the Universe and all life and things within it to the point where maybe it seems too overwhelming or hopeless to argue with them. We have good news! You don’t have to argue with them or convince them. You have the truth of scripture to share. 

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

    before you were born I set you apart; - Jeremiah 1:4-5

The “WORD of the LORD.” There is no higher authority. In scripture, Jeremiah shares with us that the Lord himself spoke to him. God knew every single one of us before He formed us in the womb. Rest in that for a moment. God said “Before I formed you....” There is nothing else we need to know. Every single life is planned and purposed by God himself. Sure, on Earth we see unplanned pregnancies happen all the time. But not one of them was a surprise to God. He planned every single one. 

Next time you find yourself in the midst of the madness and you feel lost, find your way back to Jeremiah 1:4-5. Most references to this scripture only mention v. 5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” That is important. But the most important statement comes just before this in v. 4 where we draw our authority. “The word of the Lord came to me, saying….”

When God says it, there’s no need to argue to try to convince. You can declare the sanctity of life with the authority of God on your side. 

Yet you, Lord, are our Father.

    We are the clay, you are the potter;

    we are all the work of your hand. - Isaiah 64:8


Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner.

Be a Model for Humanity
Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:17 PM

Be a Model for Humanity

Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:17 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2021 3:17 PM

It can be a tough conversation to start with children, but pro-life education must begin at home. As a parent, you're the first person to teach your children about their value and worth as human beings. Every time you speak words of kindness or encouragement, every hug that lets them know they are loved unconditionally - these things matter more than you might realize. You're giving your child an example of what love looks like and how to act with respect for themselves and others. 

Schools are rolling out the red carpet to welcome Planned Parenthood and their informational pieces that teach children about choice. At every turn, abortion as healthcare is the message that is being ingrained in young girls. Yes, children are so much younger when we need to start conversations with them around sex and relationships, and now, we must add abortion to the list. 

It goes against human nature to reveal such evil to children, but if we, as pro-life Christians, don’t join the conversation, children will believe the abortion narrative and fail to question it. There is no magic age to start talking about your pro-life beliefs as a family. Only you know when they’re ready or when they may have been exposed to other messages. The important thing is that once you know, you must be quick to reveal the truth to them. 

If your child is old enough to be exposed to news media around things like the Texas heartbeat bill, that can be a great launch point for conversation. Speaking about such victories from a place of love, kindness, and hope for future pro-life victories will begin to create open communication in your home around abortion issues. When you are willing to be bold enough to trust them with unsettling information, your children will feel more connected to you and feel more trust to start those conversations themselves. 

The most effective way to teach your children about the dignity of human life is by modeling it. If you are a parent, then this means living out the pro-life message with both words and actions. Showing respect for all people, especially those who are vulnerable, is an important value in raising our children to be pro-life. It is also essential that parents educate themselves on abortion methods and terminology so they can speak intelligently about these topics with their kids.

Reminder: We are living in a time where “shout your abortion” is the norm. We must be bolder and louder on behalf of the unborn and we must start within our own families. 

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6

Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner.

Why SeeLife 2021 Will Unify the Pro-Life Movement
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:00 PM

Why SeeLife 2021 Will Unify the Pro-Life Movement

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:00 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:00 PM

Every pro-life person believes that human life should be respected and valued. The issue we face as like-minded people is that we tend to keep our passion for the unborn compartmentalized. We’re lone rangers looking for places we can donate funds or we follow a pro-life organization on social media and maybe like their posts once in a while. When did we decide that it was better to go it alone?

When we include unity as a pro-life value, it changes the way we see life. We are all created in God's image, and because of that, each person has dignity and purpose. Unity says “we’re all in this together” and gives us bravery to act on our calling. 

Through Focus on the Family’s SeeLife 2021 Event, we will unify for life. For one evening, like-minded people are coming together to declare the value of life, to praise the maker of life, and to show our country the peace and positivity that comes from these values. Through an ICU Mobile ultrasound, images of a preborn life will be shared for everyone to see that life in the womb is human, individual, and very alive. 

Seeing life as a gift is not just about being pro-life; it’s about experiencing and sharing God’s grace for all of us. When a life is created at conception, that is one of the most frequent modern-day miracles. Perhaps because it happens often and is so commonplace, we’ve taken this miracle of life for granted. Let’s remember that life is a miracle and it’s an intentional act by our Creator who never makes mistakes.

These miracles deserve to be recognized and when you join with like-minded people to declare the miracle of life, you join this community - this pro-life movement - that works in unity to preserve the innocent lives of the unborn.

During SeeLife, when we all worship together through song, when we praise together through prayer, and when we learn together through the leaders who will share the current victories and challenges yet to be overcome, we will be more unified. Our unity will propel us to go out and be vocal, to be active, and to be brave enough to fight for lives like the growing baby we will see on that ultrasound screen.

So, how do you unify when you live across the country? Join the event virtually through this link: 

How do you unify when you live right in Dallas but you’ve never done anything like this before? You arrive. You show up and brave the unknown. Like a child in the womb at birth, you leave your comfort zone, enter a whole new world, take a deep breath, and allow others to guide you in the moment. Visit and reserve your free ticket!

We’ll all be there for the same reason. To unify for the love of life. 

I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. - 1 Corinthians 1:10

Are You Pro-Life by Example?
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:50 PM

Are You Pro-Life by Example?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:50 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:50 PM

Pro-life is a word that can be misunderstood, especially by those who are not Christian. It's essential to understand what pro-life means before we’re able to share why we are pro-life or what it means to be pro-life. 

Is it enough to simply say you're against abortion? It takes a certain level of bravery for some people to say they’re against abortion. The immediate assumption is that if you’re pro-life you are against women having freedom to control their bodies, so the answer is “no.” We must be against abortion and for the empowerment of women. The answer is a woman’s greatest power lies in her ability to form another human being inside her and to give birth to that child. It’s both power and humanity at its best. 

What does that call us to do as Christians? We have a responsibility to be bold enough to tell others that the power of God is greater than fear. The people most affected by abortion, those who will be living with its consequences for their entire lives, are women who receive messages from all sides about what they should do. Being the pro-life generation means wanting nothing more than loving women at their most significant time of need and empowering them to refuse a life of regret and trauma.

What does that mean for our lives and how we live them out every day? The pro-life movement is about love. Love for the unborn child who has no voice and cannot speak up for themselves. Love for each woman who needs support. When we protect life from conception to natural death, we love our neighbor as ourselves. We are saying that all lives have worth and deserve protection. We must speak up and be that voice in daily interaction, not just on the sidewalk outside of the abortion clinic. We must give financial support to organizations doing the work. We must be aware of our tone when we talk about abortion so that we speak from a place of love rather than judgment. 

None of us are here by accident. Our existence has been planned, created, and ordained by our one true God. Scripture abounds with proof of this concept and it is essential we speak the truth of the Gospel. The pro-life generation wants to create a culture where every human being can thrive in dignity and respect because all life matters! 

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” - Job 33:4

If you're interested in joining us as we share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who need Him most, please give generously to our Loving Life Initiative as we work to bring more mobile ministries to communities where we can help more women meet Christ and in turn save the lives of countless unborn babies. 

The Gospel Saves Lives
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:46 PM

The Gospel Saves Lives

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:46 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:46 PM

It's a message that has been shared for centuries, but it is still the most powerful tool we have in this world to change hearts and minds. The Gospel brings hope into our lives when we are at our lowest, and even with all of the problems facing us today. 

Imagine a young, pregnant, scared woman hearing this message: 

“There is always hope because Jesus will never abandon you. He loves you so much more than anything else in this world could love you-and He will do whatever it takes to show His love for you through salvation through Him. Not only does He offer eternal life, but He also offers peace now and throughout eternity. He will walk right beside you for the rest of your life. He died for you so that you could live a blessed life receiving all of God’s best for you.”

The gospel is the best news in the world. We share this news with every woman who steps onto an ICU Mobile unit. When we say we are a mobile ministry, we live out this responsibility. It is our joy to tell women about the power of Jesus and how He can change their lives with one choice. At ICU Mobile, once a woman has chosen to follow Christ, there are no other choices she has to make.  

Women facing an unexpected pregnancy, with no resources and perhaps no partner, feel like they are hopeless in this world, but Jesus Christ has given us the power to overcome darkness. We have the opportunity to show our love for Him by being an example of what He means to the women we serve. We can be hopeful when we know that God will always be there for us, even when things seem impossible during difficult times. Helping women see that nothing is impossible for God is the most impactful way to save her unborn baby.

God's word is powerful and it can save lives. 

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” - 2 Cor. 5:20

If you're interested in joining us as we share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who need Him most, please give generously to our Loving Life Initiative as we work to bring more mobile ministries to communities where we can help more women meet Christ and in turn save the lives of countless unborn babies. 

Our Father in Heaven
Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:12 PM

Our Father in Heaven

Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:12 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:12 PM

One of the most important, and glaringly missing, aspects of unplanned pregnancy is mentoring and preparing men for fatherhood. 

The fact is, women don’t have an easy escape like men do. A man literally just needs to walk away and he’s done. It’s far from fair and there is nothing that can be done about it. God gave each of us free will in any situation we face.

When we share the Gospel with the women who visit our mobile units and they make a decision for Christ, not only do we rejoice in their salvation but also in the new relationship they will develop with their Heavenly Father. So many women have father wounds and when they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy, it digs that much deeper if their baby’s father has chosen to leave. 

Boys must be raised up as men who stay, even when it’s difficult. Men must be offered resources to educate themselves on fatherhood, on responsibility, and on the permanency of a woman’s decision. They need mentors and examples of strong male leaders at home and in life. Innocent babies are paying the ultimate price for the lack of men who are willing to stand up for their children.

Until we see a shift in how men are encouraged to handle their role in an unplanned pregnancy, our priority is always on the women whose lives are changed when they meet their Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit in them helps them to understand the realness of their Abba, Father. 

Father’s Day can be bitter, bittersweet, or a wonderful celebration depending on our experience of our earthly fathers. But when one can receive and pursue a relationship with our Heavenly Father, it becomes a bond that cannot be broken under any circumstances. There are no limits or conditions placed on being adopted into the family of God. Hallelujah! 

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” - Romans 8:15

Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner

Because Jesus Said
Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:10 PM

Because Jesus Said

Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:10 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:10 PM

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Matthew 19:14

Jesus said. As those of us in the pro-life movement search for the words that will impact others to recognize the value of life, have we forgotten these? 

Jesus said. If those two words don’t move us to action, what will? 

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them. Every abortion hinders the little children from coming to Jesus in the way He commanded. Of course, preborn lives are worthy of saving simply because they are human lives and because they are perfectly made in the image of God. The impact seems a little more urgent in the words from the book of Matthew. 

The words have always been in the Bible. Jesus said them and Matthew recorded them. Perhaps we’ve limited this important instruction to making sure we take our children to church, enroll them in Sunday school, and take them to bible camp. 

From our standpoint, it’s much deeper than that. It’s a call to give all children the opportunity to come into relationship with Jesus and to not hinder them from that blessing. A child exists from the time of conception and therefore we must let that child form and be born and receive life so as to follow the command Jesus gave all of us. Our job is to make sure children can make their way to a life in Jesus.

The kingdom of Heaven belongs to the little children. Jesus said. Who are we to take it away from them? Every time an innocent life is taken, someone has made a decision for that child that is against Jesus’ command. We know that each life taken too soon, is with Jesus in Heaven. But those children were hindered from their life that God meant for them to live, to be born and to live according to His purpose. 

When we incite the words of our living Savior into the pro-life narrative, we live out His commands and help others hear about Jesus who loves all the little children. 

Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner

End Abortion Through Understanding
Monday, May 17, 2021 12:40 PM

End Abortion Through Understanding

Monday, May 17, 2021 12:40 PM
Monday, May 17, 2021 12:40 PM

It's not easy to be pro-life. It's also not easy to be a woman with an unexpected pregnancy. There are myriad situations that can make it difficult to justify having a baby that wasn't planned. 

Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. She just finished her first semester of college, she has a full-ride scholarship, she has a demanding schedule, and her boyfriend isn't exactly her boyfriend. He's simply a guy she’s been hanging out with for a couple weeks.

In her shoes, she's married to an abusive man with a drinking problem and no job. she has three kids already, and she isn't making ends meet so she’s paying for groceries with a credit card.

In her shoes, she's two years into her incredible career, living her dream life, and she never wanted to have children after enduring a childhood of neglect and feeling like she was never good enough. She's finally feeling good about her life, and herself for that matter, and this is the one thing that will ruin everything.

In your shoes, you probably dealt with hardships in life, but for reasons only you know, you were able to overcome and conquer the things that blocked your path to happiness and success in a healthy way. The difference between you and her could be one thing and it could be many things. What she needs right now in this moment, is to see or hear a message that moves her from desperation to hope. You see, some of us have an innate ability to understand that hope is available in any situation. Some of us have people we trust that we can tell our deepest secrets to or who will give us sound advice in a time of uncertainty. She may or may not have people or hope, and, if she does sometimes they're not enough.

You see, she's getting messages that are loud and empowering that remind her that she is a woman who can do anything, no one can tell her what to do, she can make her own choices.

This is the very reason we go out with a big, mobile ultrasound unit to meet her where she is, to speak hope into her, and to empower her and remind her that she is a woman who can do anything, that no one can tell her what to do, and she can make her own choices.

Nothing speaks louder to a woman than the image of the baby inside her, the sound of the heartbeat that signifies life, and the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that gives her immediate hope and freedom from desperation.

“Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” - James 5:11

Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner


Maternal Instinct
Monday, May 17, 2021 12:37 PM

Maternal Instinct

Monday, May 17, 2021 12:37 PM
Monday, May 17, 2021 12:37 PM

It’s common knowledge that women’s bodies were created in the most unique way that allows us to develop another human being within us. While many women cling to the hope of having children, there are others who don't have maternal instinct or who simply don't want to be a mom oftentimes due to a lack of nurturing from their own mother, life circumstances that instill fear, and concerns about whether or not they would be a good mother. Perhaps the reason is simply because the world we live in has become so scary that it's hard to imagine bringing a child into the situations we face today.

We believe it's important to state that being pro-life doesn't mean every woman should keep her baby in her care in spite of all circumstances. We believe that women were made to actualize the birth of their child which is the most healthy option whether the pregnancy is planned or unexpected. The birth of a child is a momentous occasion not only for women who give birth, but also for people who are unable to have children of their own or who just want to provide a loving and caring home for another child. There are so many people wanting and waiting to adopt a baby that abortion never needs to enter the conversation. Instead of presenting a pregnancy as a choice, instead of describing an unborn child as a choice, we can change the narrative and we can change the approach of how we speak to and about young women facing an unplanned pregnancy. We can encourage them that they are able to see the pregnancy through to birth and someone else can come in and take over if she doesn't feel equipped. Nine months of developing a life inside the womb is a small sacrifice for a woman to make if it means she can avoid a lifetime of trauma from the act of aborting her child. If we change the narrative we can prevent 60 years of trauma and emotional torture for millions of women in America.

There's so much focus in our current climate about equality, diversity, acceptance, kindness, love, and all of those positive movements seem to leave out the one most innocent group of people who can't ask for kindness, love, and acceptance. They are the only human beings that have done nothing wrong and yet they face the ultimate scrutiny and punishment for an act they didn’t participate in.

Let's stop seeing the unwanted unborn as a problem, as a burden, as a choice. The unwanted unborn is our responsibility. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes that same village to save the child and give it life. If we only sit back and complain from our couches, or argue with family over our pro-life stance but we never take action to save even one life, then we lose the right to complain, we lose the right to argue.

None of us can afford to be idle in the fight to save unwanted, unborn children. Will you make a commitment today to do something? Whether you help change the narrative, volunteer, provide a donation, or pray without ceasing, every child that has yet to see the light of day needs you. We need a collective maternal instinct to protect and love the unborn and the women who carry them. 

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.” - Isaiah 49:15

Help us preserve the sanctity of life by becoming a Loving Life Partner

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