A few weeks ago, a beautiful yet burdened woman came onto the mobile unit. She wept from the beginning to the end of the short meeting. Through the course of the appointment she told of a secret abortion she had in the past and of her 7-year-old child who was born out of wedlock. She shared about her parents being ministers and the weight of expectation and disappointment she felt from them as well as her greater community.
She felt judgment wherever she was. Her sorrow was deep, and she continued to cry. She told us she didn’t want to have another secret abortion but she was terrified to tell her family that she was expecting once again. The conversation turned to Jesus as we spoke of His great love for her. We talked about how His love for her was greater than she could ever imagine and that He would never forsake her.
The appointment was heavy, but we sensed something changing in her. We scheduled an ultrasound for the following week. When she arrived for the ultrasound it was the same flow of constant tears. Her voice was fragile. She told us she still had not decided what to do. As the ultrasound started she got very quiet. When asked if she wanted pictures she responded very confidently, “Yes.” At the end of the ultrasound, we asked her how she was feeling. “Better,” she said strongly.
We sat down with her after the ultrasound to go over the report and it was as if we were talking to a different person. The tears had stopped and her voice was strong and clear. We spoke to her about churches and her affirmation was positive when we mentioned a church of her culture. She smiled as if that connection alone gave her such peace. She said she had planned to attend church there that previous weekend but had struggled with her morning sickness. We were so encouraged at the end of the appointment.
What a transformation during that ultrasound, a testimony to how beautiful that room can be. There is power in seeing God’s creation and gaining confidence in His purpose for all of His children. As she left, now smiling, she said this, “I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted, but this gave me a sense of purpose.” Praise the Lord, for she has great purpose indeed!
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
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Published on Monday, January 11, 2021 @ 12:10 PM EDT