Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:14 PM

Sanctity of Life/ICU Mobile history of their work

Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:14 PM
Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:14 PM

“On this day, National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we mourn the lives cut short, and the tremendous promise lost, as a result of abortion. As a Nation, we must resolve to protect innocent human life at every stage.” – President Donald Trump

President Trump made this statement in his Proclamation in 2019, and it’s incredible to think of all the ways we’ve seen victories and defeats in the fight for life over the past year. Our country is blessed to have a president who believes in the sanctity of life and who proclaims a day set aside for acknowledging the need for protection of unborn babies. 

We are constantly reminded of the individuals, groups, and evil that work against us around the clock. The very fact that we have the freedom to create a mobile medical unit through which we provide pregnancy services and ministry is a testament to the greatness of our nation, but even more so, to the greatness of our God. 

When Sylvia Slifko founded ICU Mobile in 2003, she had responded to call from God to go meet women right where they are to provide them the opportunity to see their child in the womb. 

“It took nine months, not a coincidence in my mind or heart, for the first ICU Mobile to develop – truly a gift from God. We believe God has great plans for ICU Mobile and we want to be ready and willing vessels through which He fulfills His plans,” Sylvia has shared.

Opposition to abortion is one of the greatest stances to assert in the world today. As more countries are legalizing abortion and states are extending limitless access to abortion, it’s not enough to be simply against abortion. We must oppose it, we must be more than pro-life, we must fight for life. The very way every innocent child of abortion fights against the weapons used against them, we must fight for them before they have to fight for their life. 

ICU Mobile has deployed weapons in the form of mobile medical units, ultrasound technology, and people who are willing to be brave enough share the gospel with women they’ve never met before. Our calling to fulfill the vision God provided to Sylvia Slifko is one we are honored to say “yes” to protecting human life at every stage. 

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. – Psalm 127:3-4

Loving Unborn Life and Loving Life Eternal:


Sunday, December 15, 2019 5:10 PM

A Christmas Gift, Show Her Love

Sunday, December 15, 2019 5:10 PM
Sunday, December 15, 2019 5:10 PM

At Christmas time, we delight in our celebrations, our gifts and our time with family. It’s the one time of year when there seems to be a little more joy in the air. While we tend to our meal planning, our shopping and our festive parties, let’s also tend to the women who may not be feeling the joy of the season.


Loving women facing an unplanned pregnancy is a beautiful way to honor Jesus during our celebration of his birth. For women who do not know Him, this is not a time to rejoice nor is it a time of peace in their world. As we become more mindful of the uncertainty and fear that weigh on a woman’s heart when she is pregnant and alone, we can better appreciate the predicament of Mary when she learned that she would bear a son and that she would call him Jesus.


A woman who is alone facing a desperate situation likely isn’t seeing her baby as a gift or a miracle or a blessing. It is our calling to show the love of God to her and make sure she knows she is not alone, nor will she be judged because of her baby. If given the opportunity, we must surround these women with love and acceptance, sharing with them the forgiveness of God and assuring them that Jesus gave His life for her just as much as everyone else. 


Maybe you don’t know a woman in this situation so you’re not sure how you can make a difference in this area. Do it through a genuine, kind smile when you see her at the store. Volunteer an afternoon at a women’s shelter and offer a listening ear and an empathetic heart. Take some cards to a pregnancy center with messages of love and acceptance to be given to the women who visit for help. 


Most importantly of all, remember these women in your prayers. Gift them that valuable place in your heart when you are calling out to God for blessings and assurances. Prayer is powerful and God has all the power. He answers our prayers. All we have to do is be faithful. 


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Sunday, December 1, 2019 5:08 PM

Planned or Unexpected, Every Child is a Miracle

Sunday, December 1, 2019 5:08 PM
Sunday, December 1, 2019 5:08 PM

The uncertainty. Not only was Mary pregnant, but she had become pregnant without intercourse. Not only was she pregnant, but the baby was not conceived with the man she was meant to marry. Not only was Mary pregnant, but she was told her child would be the Savior of the world. 


Can you imagine? Not only the uncertainty, but the confusion and the fear and the panic. This young woman, promised in marriage to Joseph, was pregnant and afraid and yet she said “yes.” She said “yes” to God. She said “yes” to carrying out a plan that was never hers. Mary said “yes” to giving life to a baby that was, in all ways, unexpected.


If there ever was a time in the history of man that a woman would consider her options, it could have happened with Mary. Nothing made sense and yet she answered the call. She didn’t ask for it, she didn’t know how she would handle it, and she didn’t even really know the father of this child. And yet, she nurtured the baby in her womb, she journeyed to the place he was to be born, and she gave birth under the most unlikely of circumstances. When everything seemed to be against her, she continued on to the birth of her son – God’s son – and the blessings began to overflow. 


Angels sang over her, visitors came bearing gifts of gold and luxurious healing oils, people she’d never met were praying for her from afar. Her willing heart brought her to this point of unending joy that would cover the earth for eternity. 

The significance of one woman choosing this particular life is incredible. What if she had exercised a choice that would have ended the life of the one man who could guarantee our place in Heaven? What if Mary had made the powerful choice to take away our forgiveness? What if Mary, this young teen woman, had stopped the beating heart of our Savior? And there was nothing anyone could do about it. 


Every baby deserves life. All of us deserve the chance to have a person born that has within them the knowledge of the cure for cancer, or the ability to create solutions to so many of our earthly problems. Every baby brings unexpected blessings of praying people who care and gifts that cannot be seen. Angels sing praises over every baby and joy will be felt by everyone whose life is touched by a new life. Planned or unexpected, every child is a miracle and blessing to be celebrated. 


And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”  Luke 1:38


Sunday, October 20, 2019 5:19 PM

The Role of Pro-Life in Politics

Sunday, October 20, 2019 5:19 PM
Sunday, October 20, 2019 5:19 PM

While it is not our intent to get involved in politics or to make political statements, we do believe it’s vital to understand why it is so very important to know where your favored candidates stand on the abortion issue. For, it isn’t simply an issue, it’s a moral and spiritual stand. Whether a political candidate supports life or stands for the preservation of abortion as a right, will have a resounding influence not only on the community in which you live, but on the trajectory of our country as a whole.


Lawmakers are the ones relied upon to sit in sessions wherein they propose and debate old laws, new laws, and propositions. Where they stand on this important topic influences their decision-making in many areas. As believers and as citizens, we are called to be voters of our faith and substance. God is our ultimate ruler, and He rules the government rulers, but it is our responsibility to vote for those who are in alignment with the word of God and the understanding of the sanctity of human life. 


Whether an unborn child is seen as a person or a choice by state law is first determined by a lawmaker. These lawmakers are the individuals who have been voted into a trusted position to influence legislation that represents their constituents. While it seems that we’re often faced with choosing the “lesser of two evils” these days, it’s likely that, by choosing the pro-life candidate, you are choosing someone who also stands most similarly to you on the remaining issues. We are the hands and feet of Jesus and we are called to act as such in every action and decision we enter into – even political ones. 


Remember, those voted into office are those influencing decisions within our communities and country that will affect all of us, our children and our generations to come. Protecting the lives of the unborn has been a battle we’ve waged since even before Roe v. Wade. As believers and as members of the pro-life movement, we are called to defend and honor future generations with those who will protect them now. Before you head to the polls in any election, educate yourself on each candidate’s stance on the abortion issue and whether their beliefs align with your Christian values. 


He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; - Daniel 2:21


Feeling led to support the mission of mobile ultrasound? We invite you to visit our secure donation page at Your financial support is an answered prayer to our team and encouragement to the women we serve. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019 5:17 PM

Unity of ICU Mobile Team Makes the Difference

Sunday, October 6, 2019 5:17 PM
Sunday, October 6, 2019 5:17 PM

At ICU Mobile, our team is unified under one mission. To glorify God, serve women and share the Gospel of life through Christ. But it’s the outcome of successfully completing our mission that results in lasting impact. 


How joyful a woman is who chooses both life for her baby and eternal life for herself. While the pregnancy journey may be a difficult one and the uncertainty of what’s to come after birth can be overwhelming, we know that God uses it all for His glory and each woman’s hopeful future. 


Most businesses have a mission, vision and values statement that declares why they exist and what outcomes verify their success. Our success is measured in moms and babies united by birth, women feel safe and confident in choosing to continue a pregnancy and give life to their child, even if for adoption. 


As our team comes together each day, we take comfort in knowing that we are passionate about our purpose and our outcomes. Our shared faith and purpose mean that we can rest easy knowing that we’re all here for the right reasons and that we will support each other in those efforts. Oftentimes we are faced with completing our missions with little in the way of resources, but big in the area of faith. With faith and hope, we show up each day for the sake of two lives being saved.


How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!


  • Psalm 133:1



Feeling led to support the mission of mobile ultrasound? We invite you to visit our secure donation page at Your financial support is an answered prayer to our team and encouragement to the women we serve. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019 5:24 PM

Saving a Lost Generation

Sunday, September 15, 2019 5:24 PM
Sunday, September 15, 2019 5:24 PM

The prolife seems odd to call it a movement, doesn’t it? It seems like being “for life” should be the standard. Yet, here we are waging a war within our own country, among our neighbors, for the rights of babies to be given life by their mothers. 

Being a financial supporter for the lives of the unborn is most importantly about saving these innocent babies from a horrific and brutal death. We should also look at the potential we’re saving when we fight for the lives of infants. Those infants are the next generation of Americans who can make a significant impact on our country and our world. A generation who might be the very ones to create the cure for cancer. A generation who might have the answer to eradicating hunger on a global scale. A generation who could compel peace among nations. 

We’ll never know what those we’ve lost already could have been. What they could have meant to the state of humanity and progress. 

There is a way to protect the future generations so they have a chance to be and become exactly what we’ve been waiting for. We give of our time, our money, our resources for the greater good of a legacy that values human life. We give for the minds who have yet to recognize their greatness. And, we give for the women who could be spared from a lifetime of mental anguish and regret. 

Giving is the way you show us that you trust and believe in our mission. Giving unites us through a precious asset that bonds us to a responsibility that goes beyond us or you. It goes to the women who deserve better care and it goes to precious infants who deserve the opportunity to live. 

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Psalm 112:5

Thursday, September 12, 2019 11:44 AM

Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

Thursday, September 12, 2019 11:44 AM
Thursday, September 12, 2019 11:44 AM

For a long time, the narrative has been that if you are Pro-Life, then you are against women. That somehow, in the pursuit of protecting the lives of innocent babies, the pro-life movement is working against the best interests of women. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. The Pro-Life Movement is just that. A movement for life for all. The life of the woman and the life of the unborn. There are 2 lives that hang in the balance, not one.

We’re pro-life and pro-woman. We’re for babies receiving the gift of life and we’re for women having the ability to pursue her future without regret and emotional pain that can never be erased. Through the very act of choosing life, the woman is honored with her ability to see a pregnancy through, to blessing a family with a baby through adoption, to give herself a future free from mourning a loss that she never realized she’d experience. A woman who chooses life provides herself a healthier future, one free from complications, infections, and potentially life-threatening situations that arise from abortion and the lasting effects the procedure leaves in her body.

Choosing life is the most powerful choice a woman can make. A choice that permits her to spend 9 months cultivating a better future for herself and her unborn baby. A choice that permits her to retain control over her body, not allowing someone to cause damage and pain and removal of not only her baby but her hope. Our message is that encouraging women to choose life isn’t only about the baby, it’s about a desire for all women to be healthy, strong, empowered, and able to impact her own life without the demons of death weighing her down for years to come.

The reports of women rushed to hospitals after a botched abortion come all too frequently. It is heartbreaking to think about those women who are bleeding, in excruciating pain, and often alone facing unfathomable aftermath of a procedure that should never have come to be.

Join us as we walk alongside all women for their future and for the life of their unborn babies. Take up a new narrative to be pro-life and pro-woman. There is not one without the other. Each cannot stand on their own. We must be all in for both lives so that each life benefits from our message of love and acceptance.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. – 1 John 4:7


Friday, August 30, 2019 4:22 PM

Compassionate Outreach

Friday, August 30, 2019 4:22 PM
Friday, August 30, 2019 4:22 PM

Each day that ICU Mobile affiliates head into communities across America, our mutual calling is renewed to be the hands and feet of God. Though our ministry has been growing for 15 years, it’s still unheard of in many communities and states throughout our country. Through our volunteers and medical professionals who have been called to serve women in their greatest moment of need, we want every abortion-minded woman to have immediate access to ultrasounds right in her very own community. Our hope is that discussions about faith and our unborn babies become commonplace, that serving in unserved communities becomes a normal sight…that our mobile medical ministry can be a comforting resource for women in need of our services.


Who We Are

ICU Mobile is a national pro-life medical ministry that supports affiliates across the country, operating mobile medical units in America’s greatest abortion-minded communities. Our mission is to serve women facing unintended pregnancies by offering hope and purpose only found in the Gospel. It is our mission to save lives of the unborn using ultrasound technology and advocacy and it is our mission to share Christ through word and deed – with each person that steps on an ICU Mobile Unit.

To put it simply, we go to work every day to save the lives of babies and to share the gospel with women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Often, two lives are saved due to the good news of Jesus’s sacrifice for all of us to have hope and a future. What a blessing we experience each time we get the chance to share this message of life!

Our Vision

We aim to see women choose life for themselves and their babies. That may not mean parenting, that may mean adoption. It may mean another family member caring for the baby, but whatever the outcome, our vision is that every woman will carry their baby to term, giving the gift of life to their baby, and ultimately giving herself and child a better future.

We know that abortion ends the life of a child and it robs the mother of her future. The permanent scars left behind on a soul and mind of a woman who chooses abortion cannot be erased and cannot be relieved without the grace of knowing and following Jesus. There is no bringing the baby back. It is tragic and it is final. Our hope is that women will face a future of peace and confidence knowing they gave the gift of life not only to an unexpected child but also to themselves through faith that provides for their future. Life in Jesus Christ is the only true path to peace and a purpose that cannot be matched.

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. – Romans 5:2



Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:58 PM

Standing for Life Begins at Home

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:58 PM
Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:58 PM

Our greatest convictions are learned by those who choose to lead in our homes. The bible says “train up a child in the way he will go and he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). This is a clear direction and promise, that if we invest in our children, it is a solid investment. As we get older, it is easier to see the value and impact of a solid foundation in our children…and in their children. The fight in defense of life is starting much earlier than ever before. With the disturbing and extremely aggressive life-ending abortion policies coming out of NY, Chicago, and other major areas, the cultural value of life has been dismantled and degraded.

So how do we win this war on women and children? How do we save the next generation? The answer is by intentionally investing time teaching them about their identity in Christ. It isn’t a preference, our identity in Christ is God-given, it's perfect, it’s unparalleled and we are beautifully and perfectly made in the image of the awesome and inspiring Creator of all things. It is by teaching them that their decision for life isn’t really a choice at all, once conceived our identity is a truth that cannot be denied. Every life is precious, every life has a purpose. How God made us uniquely, with our own DNA, never to be duplicated, at the very moment of conception, should be protected to the highest level. At that miracle moment, a unique person, male or female is created, their building blocks for development are in place like their eye color, hair color, and blood type. They are fearfully and wonderfully made and our souls know this well.

The most powerful way to ensure our children know this is by raising them to value their God-given identity. Raising them up to be grounded in the Word of God and not the worldly cultural trends offered by their social environment with the new cultural norms which wish to take away the firm foundation that God has so carefully and purposefully given them. What they learn at home really does influence their worldview and life trajectory.

Sadly, our children’s schools have been infiltrated with undesirable information being presented to young children before it even becomes an issue on the playgrounds. Children are exposed to a variety of culturally charged information – usually inaccurate and crude – and are willingly taught it at school and online.

We encourage you to personally lead for your children’s sake in these areas of cultural confusion. Teach your children about the unparalleled blessing of their unique life, their purposeful identity as a boy or a girl, and how God created each and every one of us in his perfect image. It’s a beautiful opportunity to teach them our strength found in scripture and to reinforce the fact that none of us are ever a mistake, because God doesn’t make mistakes.

For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. – Psalm 139:13-16


Sunday, July 21, 2019 5:26 PM

Unplanned Isn't the Same as Unwanted

Sunday, July 21, 2019 5:26 PM
Sunday, July 21, 2019 5:26 PM

According to statistics, almost half of the pregnancies in America are unplanned. According to scripture, absolutely 100% of pregnancies are planned by God. 


Many women who are surprised by a positive pregnancy test continue on with the pregnancy, ready and willing to care for a baby they never expected but that they joyfully welcome. We rejoice with them as they accept that even though they may have planned on 3 children, God’s plans are almost never the same as our own. For those women who are devastated by an unplanned pregnancy, there is hope for them, too.


As our ministry sets out each day to reach women who have found themselves in an unthinkable situation, our prayer is to have the message and the heart that relays God’s love for them. We want to help them consider that an unexpected baby is God moving within her life for a purpose greater than what she can understand at that moment. The one thing we do know, is that purpose will eventually be revealed. Probably not that day, maybe not by the time the baby is born, but at the right time, God will make it be known to each woman the purpose He has for her and her child.


With the loudness of the pro-choice/pro-abortion movement, sometimes it can be difficult for some women to hear that message of hope. There are so many messages coming from the media, Planned Parenthood, and women’s rights organizations that tell women that if they didn’t plan that baby, then they shouldn’t want that baby. Our message of hope must become louder than their message of despair. 


Through Mary, God showed us centuries ago that even the most unlikely and undesirable circumstances of an unexpected pregnancy great blessing and prosperity can come from it. Each time we park a mobile unit in a neighborhood, and even one woman steps on board, we have confident hope that she will see just how planned and expected her baby really is. 


“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31


Feeling led to support the mission of mobile ultrasound? We invite you to visit our secure donation page at Your financial support is an answered prayer to our team and encouragement to the women we serve. 


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