Beliefs Brought to You By...
Thursday, June 11, 2020 9:12 AM

Beliefs Brought to You By...

Thursday, June 11, 2020 9:12 AM
Thursday, June 11, 2020 9:12 AM

For centuries, humans have been compelled to idolize celebrities of all kinds. Actors, producers, musicians, social media influencers, speakers, authors…we love them even though most often we don’t truly know them. With the rapid rise in actors as producers, the heart of their productions reveals more about their character than ever before.

With any documentary or series, do your homework to learn who is behind it and what their political agendas include. For example, the documentary “What the Health “is produced by Joaquin Phoenix and Keegan Kuhn. Both men are animal rights activists and Phoenix is also a supporter of PETA and has received awards for his work with them. It’s easy to see why he would create a documentary that aims to show how damaging to our health it is to eat meat.

Reese Witherspoon is one of America’s sweethearts who has played many roles about strong female characters that showcase a woman’s ability to change her circumstances and get what she wants. She’s a media darling. Women love her and respect her. She’s an actress, producer, entrepreneur, and even a mom. Now, she produces a show on Hulu that depicts her on-screen daughter’s abortion with Planned Parenthood’s brand proudly displayed in scenes witnessed by millions. Why? Because Witherspoon is pro-abortion. And her work shows it.

When we follow the careers and lives of celebrities, it’s natural to want to believe that they are just as good as the characters they play in movies. We hope that wholesome Elle Woods was created directly from the heart of Reese Witherspoon. That they are one and the same. And yet…

We must be diligent, guarding our minds by understanding what’s going on behind the curtains of the big screen. It’s not enough anymore to ask our kids “What is that movie rated?” before giving permission for them to see it. It’s no longer a question of PG or R. Now, we have to research it like a finals paper. Who is in it, what do they believe, how will their beliefs be woven into this piece of entertainment? It’s a tough time to be a Christian, a conservative, a believer in the sanctity of life.

Thankfully, not all is lost in Hollywood. We still have the likes of Chris Pratt, Kanye West, Benjamin Watson, Patricia Heaton, Tim Tebow, Justin Bieber and many others who are becoming brave enough to reveal their faith and their pro-life beliefs. Celebrities who will just as likely shout their support for life as the ones who will shout their abortions. Whether we like it or not, American celebrities have a strong impact on American minds. Choose carefully whom you will allow inside yours.

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. Galatians 4:8

If you’d like to help us bring more hope into every community, please click here to donate.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:04 PM

To Be Seen

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:04 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:04 PM

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

One of the greatest gifts the world has ever known was the birth of Jesus Christ. His love covers all of our insecurities, our mistakes, our misdirection’s and guides us to beautiful rivers of acceptance and forgiveness. He willingly came into our brokenness and offered the sweet salve of peace and salvation through relationship with Him. He came to us. He knew we were in need and had a plan.

ICU Mobile has a plan. A plan for women who have questions about their pregnancies, women who need understanding and who need a friend. Acting as the hands and feet of Jesus on the wheels of their mercy medical units, they also come to our world; our places where we are in need. Working with a local pregnancy center in the area, ICU Mobile finds its way to us; they heed the call. They meet us where we are in our personal journeys without any judgment, no awkward silences or disappointing glances. Only love.

I was once like so many of the women that ICU Mobile serves. Although I didn’t have a surprise pregnancy, I did have a very unplanned parenting path that included me being marginalized overnight and an ex-husband in jail. I was so young and afraid. I was embarking on a life journey that I had no way to navigate. No compass to show me the direction to go. I felt like the world was coming at me like a tsunami, and I didn’t have any life jackets for us. I didn’t have a job, or any college education. I was looking at a life that seemed to be filled with uphill battles, struggles with my children’s father, and not being able to pay the bills. When I thought of my future, I was depressed and overwhelmed. I knew that there were services out there for women like me, but I had no idea how to find them. Honestly, I didn’t have any time to try to find them. I was so busy doing life and trying to make sure the pantry was stocked with mac and cheese and peanut butter. At night, I was so physically drained and emotionally depleted I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn’t think I would be able to handle this situation.  How can I raise my children if I can’t even take care of myself?

It’s places like ICU Mobile that come and fill in the gaps. When you walk into a mobile unit, you won’t find a cold and impersonal atmosphere. You’ll find warmth of community and feel the support of relationship in a state-of-the-art capacity with certified physicians and nurses. ICU Mobile staff treats all clients with respect and dignity in their sensitive life circumstances. They understand and they are available to discuss your pregnancy questions (and provide ultrasounds), but also so many other topics that may be going through your mind. They have real answers. And, it’s not the type of answers that lead to more questions. It’s the type of answers that lead to solutions and creating a life plan that we can follow toward overcoming whatever may come our way. ICU Mobile can connect you to the organizations within your community that can support your needs from basic (like food and shelter) to more complex needs like long-term financial support and job placement. They are our advocates; they fight for us. We all need someone in our corner. I know, I did.

The name itself says it all: ICU Mobile literally means I SEE YOU. To be seen and accepted as we truly are is a beautiful thing. It tears down cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnicity walls. You are uniquely you. If you are uncertain about what to do with your pregnancy, and you want to be more than a number, more than just a face in a crowd, come be seen by ICU Mobile.

“You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” –A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Shannon is the author of The Bounce-Back Woman, Ignite, and Single Moms 101. Along with being an author and speaker, Shannon is a featured contributor of Keep the Faith radio.  She also writes for Lifeway's HomeLife magazine and other various publications including as Crosswalk and  

Product Placement: More Than Athletic Wear and Soft Drinks
Friday, May 8, 2020 11:51 AM

Product Placement: More Than Athletic Wear and Soft Drinks

Friday, May 8, 2020 11:51 AM
Friday, May 8, 2020 11:51 AM

The culture of life and how we define it, our morals, our values, our decisions around what is right and wrong, is being attacked consistently and ruthlessly. The victims aren’t even aware they are victims and they become younger by the day.

Shows and movies on streaming services are more bold than prime time TV and theater movies. They push the envelope with violence, sex, and moral values. This push translates in product placement as well. Over the years we’ve grown used to and, likely, unaffected by the brand names we see in on-screen images. From soft drinks and athletic brands, to department stores and fashion, America’s corporate giants flood our TV and movie watching with their brands and they pay to make that happen. Just like with any other ad placement, business is given the opportunity to pay to have their brand seen and heard in front of millions.

Planned Parenthood has joined the circle of corporate giants who is paying to be seen by larger audiences. Abortion is becoming an act that is commonplace in storylines featuring young women – teenagers – who wish to hide pregnancy from their parents or simply “deal with this and move forward empowered.”  Planned Parenthood is capitalizing on this trend and making sure they are the go-to, household name brand that is chosen by teens and young women across the country.

We’re no longer being lured to choose one brand of running shoes over another. We’re subliminally sold on choosing Planned Parenthood as our abortion provider of choice over the local abortion clinic. We can no longer simply shake our heads at these bold actions and bold messages.

Our ministry is focused on saving two lives. The life of the unborn child and the eternal life of the woman facing the most desperate time of her life. We would be ecstatic of we could place the ICU Mobile name on the biggest screens with the biggest celebrity names all over the country to widen the impact of our multi-faceted life-saving efforts. And yet, that’s not where we want to be. We want to be on the streets, in the neighborhoods, in the most accessible places where every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy can find us. We want to see her face-to-face and offer a kind smile, gently hold her hands while we pray with her, and see the light in her eyes when she experiences the indescribable gift of Christ and a choice for life for both her and her baby.

To us, product placement means an ICU Mobile unit in every community. To women everywhere, we want every mobile unit to be a clear and bold message of hope.

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3

If you’d like to help us bring more hope into every community, please click here to donate.

Sunday, April 19, 2020 4:30 PM

Stress Management

Sunday, April 19, 2020 4:30 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2020 4:30 PM

For a Time Such as This


A new season is upon all of us and it’s foreign in every way. Our office is at home, we have become teachers to our children, our meetings are 100% done by video conferencing, we are with our spouses 24/7, perhaps income has been cut in half, confusion abounds over whether we should actually make a trip to the grocery store or order them to be delivered. 


The phrase “normal routines” went out the window weeks ago. Whatever stressors we had before COVID-19 are now amplified and multiplied as we shelter in place, practice social distancing, and wash our hands more than ever in the history of our lives. 


Whether you feel the stress or not, it’s likely there. Some of us wear our hearts on our sleeves and it doesn’t take much for us and others to see the anxiety. Others of us internalize our anxiety and stress responses, allowing them to build  up without knowing it. We feel fine, but we’re not. This is a time to reflect on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. 


Each of us needs to engage in stress relief measures on a daily basis. Make it part of your routine. If you don’t have a routine, implement one. That’s the first step to less stress. If you’re teaching your children, extend them and yourself a little extra grace during this time. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be rigid. Relax, do the best you can, and recognize this too shall pass. The fruits of the Holy Spirit apply to every activity we do. With each item on your to-do list, consider which fruit of the Spirit can be applied.


If you can manage it, take a short walk each day. Start each day with a scripture that you can meditate on when things get stressful. End each day by journaling what went well and what you’d like to improve on for tomorrow. Try to eat as healthy as possible and let the sunlight into your home. 


It’s imperative to give children the opportunity to share their thoughts about things, too. Their world has also turned upside down and they will need a way to manage stress. Outside time for them, times of rest and doing activities they enjoy will help immensely. 


Rest and grace are paramount to this season we are in, as they are the two things that will re-set our responses to others and replenish our energy stores. Undoubtedly, there is wisdom in scripture that will help us in many ways. These one-word “fruits” plant seeds within us that will strengthen us season after season. 


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  

                                                     Galatians 5:22-23

Sunday, April 5, 2020 4:24 PM

Foundation of Faith

Sunday, April 5, 2020 4:24 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2020 4:24 PM

If there is one scripture that has been repeated, painted on signs, engraved on jewelry, posted on highway billboards, it’s John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


It is the very foundation of Christian faith that is offered to those considering salvation through Jesus Christ, and it is filled with hope. Hope that “whoever” means me. Hope that eternal life is a gift I can receive, too. Hope that the one true God who loves the world also loves me. When we see words emblazoned in many places and repeated throughout so many outlets, it could get watered down, become less impactful. 


We are here to tell you that this one sentence is an everlasting promise from the one true God who knows you and loves you. Yes, He knows you. It’s been said that it’s easier to love someone than to trust someone. So many of us love God, love Jesus, love the Holy Spirit within us, but it’s a little harder to place trust in the triune God. 


John 3:16 is a statement of love that requires us to trust it. Trust isn’t a two way street in a relationship with God. He doesn’t have to trust us to make the relationship work. Thank goodness because we wouldn’t last long! But when you can read the promise within John 3:16 and then fully place your trust in that promise by believing in Him, the result is life changing. 


Those words aren’t a marketing slogan to promote the Bible or Christianity. They are a promise that you can trust and stand on for eternity. Let this promise not be reduced in its strength and authority because you’ve seen it or heard it so many times. 


Whether you’re a lifelong Christian, or not quite convinced about the invitation to follow Jesus, be encouraged by this: God didn’t have to sacrifice His son. He’s the God of everything that has ever been and ever will be. He doesn’t have to do anything. Yet, He sent us His son as our Savior, to take our place in answering to Him for our sins, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him. 


He wants us to spend eternity with Him so He knew He had to send a Savior for our sakes. We couldn’t be trusted to atone for our sins so His son took our place. That, friends, is how much God loves you. He knows we are not perfect and He loves us. He knows us and He loves us. 


All He asks in return is that we believe. The invitation for salvation is for you and your response can be offered anytime. 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

Sunday, March 15, 2020 4:22 PM

How to Be ProLife in an Anything Goes Culture

Sunday, March 15, 2020 4:22 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2020 4:22 PM

We’re in an especially pressing time right now that requires the pro-life community to be willing to be brave enough to speak up about what we believe. But as pro-humans, we must be ready to grab the baton when our turn comes to continue the race. 


During an election year, the abortion issue is often the most heated one to be discussed, debated and discarded among politicians and people across the country. Since the issue of life is so deeply rooted among conservative Christians, it can be difficult to change the narrative from one of a woman’s autonomy to one of humanity. 


Take comfort in this: both science and God are on your side. When you are given the opportunity to talk with others about abortion, reproductive rights, and the rights of the unborn, the conversation doesn’t need to invoke anxiety or aversion. Yes, it’s hard to be the only one in the room who is pro-life. Hands start sweating at the very thought of sharing your values and beliefs. But when the pro-life argument is based on facts, it’s much easier to keep emotions at bay. Life begins at conception. All life is created perfectly by God. He does not make mistakes.


The abortion issue is a humanity issue. It’s not an issue of sexuality, race, gender, or income - everyone can be pro-life. Women don’t have to raise a child if they’re not ready due to shame, family issues, career or education. That’s why God has sent so many people ready to adopt and provide a loving home for a child conceived unexpectedly. In 9 months, every single woman can be back to life as usual. The same can’t be said for women who choose abortion. Abortion becomes a life sentence of guilt, emotional torment, and often, depression. There is no taking it back. 


But what about instances of rape? Pro-choice, pro-abortion people will challenge you on this. And it’s tempting to acquiesce and agree that might be the one situation where abortion is “okay.” But stand firm, friend. A woman who has been a victim of sexual assault should never be encouraged to endure yet another violent act on her body. Make no mistake, abortion is violence. It involves paralyzing, maiming, and tearing apart a human body that is living inside that same woman. Encourage a peaceful resolution to a horrific act of violence. Pregnancy and birth can offer a woman a time of healing and redemption, the power to create good out of evil, and control over what her future life will hold. That is empowerment and feminism at its best. 


Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. - Proverbs 31:8-9


Please prayerfully consider a financial gift as we go out into communities, day after day, to help women choose life. Please click here to support ICU Mobile. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020 4:19 PM

Women Make History Every Day

Sunday, March 8, 2020 4:19 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2020 4:19 PM

It’s a limiting belief to think that women who dedicate their lives to raising children are less than. While every woman’s name won’t be in lights or heralded for every innovation, she will be known and go down in history for her legacy, however small that may be. 


When people become famous, their bio includes their personal life, where they came from, who raised them. Who provided them the nurturing and opportunity to follow their calling and live out their gifts that are shared with the world? Parents are part of that creation of history and none of it would happen without a woman who chose to bring a life into the world. 


Whether in sports, entrepreneurship, politics, or education, the woman behind those successes is credited with making it happen. No, not every woman is a perfect picture of mothering, but if she gave life, she gave opportunity. When a woman chooses life, she offers breath to a person who was given the chance to go into the world and make an impact. 


History-makers aren’t always the ones in the spotlight, and sometimes it can take decades to learn what kind of an impact someone will have in this life. Therefore, we should never doubt, assume, or wave-off how or when any one of us just might be part of big moments in history. 


Melissa Ohden, an abortion survivor, explains it perfectly, “My family is living testament to the intergenerational impact of abortion. If that abortion attempt had succeeded in ending my life, then my daughter, Olivia, would have never entered this world.  My husband would have never had a wife. My adoptive parents would have never had a daughter. My brother and sister would have never had a sibling. And now my biological family would never have had me in their life. The list could go on and on. Abortion truly has a ripple effect. No one remains untouched.”


Melissa is now a strong and impactful voice for life. She is living proof of what a person can become and how they can impact history if given the chance at life. God had big plans for her and He pulled her out of the death sentence that was waiting for her. All praise to Him because we can’t imagine a world without her!


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11


Would you like to impact history through a financial gift to help women choose life? Please click here to support ICU Mobile. 


Sunday, February 16, 2020 4:17 PM

An Image Of Hope

Sunday, February 16, 2020 4:17 PM
Sunday, February 16, 2020 4:17 PM

The product we offer is a printed photo. It’s the core of what we do on ICU mobile units. We have services like pregnancy tests, but the product we want every woman to walk away with is a picture. The photo is free but the image on it is priceless. 


Organizations have a why, and a how, and a what, and our what happens to be the very first image a woman will see of the beautiful life inside her. Our what has the ability to change an abortion-minded woman to life-focused woman. With that image, she’s given new understanding, new reality, and a new hope. 


A little hope is often all we need when faced with situations that seem insurmountable. When she can be surrounded by people who can help her see there is help then she can think clearly to make the ultimate life-changing decision. When surrounded by empowering people, she feels empowered! We’ve seen the transformation happen right before our eyes and it’s life-changing for everyone.


Seeing an image of her baby in the womb presents the perfect time for us to share the love of God with her. The new life she carries represents the new life she has through Jesus. Together, mom and baby are set on an adventure like no other. The kind of adventure that only God can write and carry them through. There is no other hope like this - the kind that reaches to the depths of your soul and carries your spirit to heights unimaginable! 


Help deliver that kind of hope through your support of our ministry. Help us to never cease sharing this good news!


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


Feeling led to support the mission of mobile ultrasound? We invite you to visit our secure donation page at Your financial support is an answered prayer to our team and encouragement to the women we serve. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020 4:14 PM

Judgement Is Not Welcome Here

Sunday, February 2, 2020 4:14 PM
Sunday, February 2, 2020 4:14 PM

Referring to women who face an unexpected pregnancy as desperate, confused, and lost is so commonplace in the pro-life movement. They are not meant to be disparaging but to convey an understanding of the feelings they must be facing in their situation.


Those words don’t define the woman, they describe a moment in time that we hope to alleviate through our work. Beyond feeling desperate or confused, every woman deserves to be seen as valued and treated with love and respect. 


Haven’t we all experienced moments in our lives when things didn’t go as planned or we felt weak and confused? Those moments don’t make us any less worthy of love. In fact, that’s when we all need the most outpouring of support so that we know we aren’t alone. Anytime we receive unexpected news that has the power to change the course of our lives we turn to those who love us. 


Reality is that there are so many women who don’t have people they can turn to with news of an unplanned pregnancy. Somehow along the way, shame has become associated with it. If not married, if not trying to conceive, if too young, if too career-oriented, if she’s still in school, if too old, if she has “too many kids” already, if Christian, if strong-willed, if irresponsible, if too responsible to let this happen...there are so many reasons we justify our judgment of a pregnant woman.  


No one else has to face such scrutiny as that of the pregnant, unwed woman. Because we can all see that telling bump and then we see no ring on her finger to accompany it. We can’t see the impending divorce of the man who coaches the track team, we can’t see the alcoholic tendencies of the mom in the pickup line as school, and we can’t see the pornography addiction of the teen in the church choir. So we can’t judge them because what they’ve done isn’t carried in or on their bodies. But the pregnant woman can’t hide her “mistake” unless she aborts it. As we would with all those other people in seemingly desperate and lost situations, let’s reach out to the pregnant woman with love and a true spirit of support. 


On an ICU Mobile unit, judgment is not welcome. We see that look in a woman’s eyes that we’ve seen so many times before and we think of two things. First, to show her love and second, to introduce her to the love of God. When we do these two things, we know that whatever fear or confusion she came to us with, she will leave with hope. 


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13


Feeling led to support the mission of mobile ultrasound? We invite you to visit our secure donation page at Your financial support is an answered prayer to our team and encouragement to the women we serve. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:19 PM

The Loving Life Initiative: ICU Mobile’s New Year’s Resolution

Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:19 PM
Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:19 PM

The statistics are staggering and we will go where we are needed the most right now in our country. Florida, California, and the East Coast have the highest numbers of vulnerable and abortion-minded women and we need to reach them. 

  • California (157,000 Abortions/year)
  • Florida (76,000 Abortions/year)
  • The East Coast (257,000 abortions/year)

ICU Mobile has resolved and committed to moving a minimum of 3 units into each of these areas over the next 3 to 5 years. We would love and appreciate you to join us in this effort. We’ll do all the work – customizing mobile units, recruiting excellent professionals to deliver care, and training volunteers to provide the most caring guidance and prayer for women in their time of need. We need your help in one area: finances. With this big goal comes expenses that will be incurred. Whether you can offer a one-time donation or even better, commit to a recurring monthly donation, we appreciate any financial support you are able and willing to provide to us. 

Your monetary support for our ministry isn’t about the mobile unit. It’s about the innocent babies who will be seen by their abortion-minded mothers through ultrasound, it’s about the truth that will be shared with those women as they see their baby for the first time, and it’s about the gospel of the saving grace of God who loves them and who will never leave them in their time of need. 

We will share all year long about our Loving Life initiative, the progress we make, and the needs we are seeing by fulfilling our resolution. For us, this isn’t an idea we created that we’ll give up on in a month. This is no Monday morning diet. This is what we do. This is our calling. This is our ministry to which God called us and we will carry out for as long as He directs us to. In 2020, God has called us into new areas of our nation, and has entrusted us to do so with diligence and by calling on others to join us and help us. You are part of God’s plan for furthering our mission. Your prayerful and financial support propel us forward and strengthen us as we carry out our mission. 

Loving Unborn Life and Loving Life Eternal:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28


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