For centuries, humans have been compelled to idolize celebrities of all kinds. Actors, producers, musicians, social media influencers, speakers, authors…we love them even though most often we don’t truly know them. With the rapid rise in actors as producers, the heart of their productions reveals more about their character than ever before.
With any documentary or series, do your homework to learn who is behind it and what their political agendas include. For example, the documentary “What the Health “is produced by Joaquin Phoenix and Keegan Kuhn. Both men are animal rights activists and Phoenix is also a supporter of PETA and has received awards for his work with them. It’s easy to see why he would create a documentary that aims to show how damaging to our health it is to eat meat.
Reese Witherspoon is one of America’s sweethearts who has played many roles about strong female characters that showcase a woman’s ability to change her circumstances and get what she wants. She’s a media darling. Women love her and respect her. She’s an actress, producer, entrepreneur, and even a mom. Now, she produces a show on Hulu that depicts her on-screen daughter’s abortion with Planned Parenthood’s brand proudly displayed in scenes witnessed by millions. Why? Because Witherspoon is pro-abortion. And her work shows it.
When we follow the careers and lives of celebrities, it’s natural to want to believe that they are just as good as the characters they play in movies. We hope that wholesome Elle Woods was created directly from the heart of Reese Witherspoon. That they are one and the same. And yet…
We must be diligent, guarding our minds by understanding what’s going on behind the curtains of the big screen. It’s not enough anymore to ask our kids “What is that movie rated?” before giving permission for them to see it. It’s no longer a question of PG or R. Now, we have to research it like a finals paper. Who is in it, what do they believe, how will their beliefs be woven into this piece of entertainment? It’s a tough time to be a Christian, a conservative, a believer in the sanctity of life.
Thankfully, not all is lost in Hollywood. We still have the likes of Chris Pratt, Kanye West, Benjamin Watson, Patricia Heaton, Tim Tebow, Justin Bieber and many others who are becoming brave enough to reveal their faith and their pro-life beliefs. Celebrities who will just as likely shout their support for life as the ones who will shout their abortions. Whether we like it or not, American celebrities have a strong impact on American minds. Choose carefully whom you will allow inside yours.
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. Galatians 4:8
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Published on Thursday, June 11, 2020 @ 9:12 AM EDT