Thanksgiving: A Choice
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:59 PM

Thanksgiving: A Choice

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:59 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:59 PM

As followers of Christ, we are consistently called to endure trials that we ultimately raise up in praise and worship to the Lord. There is no shortage of scripture about the hardships we will undoubtedly encounter in this life. At the same time, there is an abundance of promises of joy and expectation of giving thanks and praise to God for these tests.

In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:6-7

This verse seems to be a perfect summary of this year for most of us. The portion that is so important is the reminder that “your faith [is] more precious than gold.” In this time of year when we reflect on the blessings that we are so thankful to experience, what a beautiful reminder that our faith in itself is a gift. A gift more precious than gold!

If there ever was a time that our faith would be tested, it is now. More importantly than whether we pass the test is whether we are seeking Jesus through it all. Are we praising Him? Are we lifting our hands in surrender as a sign of trust? Are we telling Him in our daily prayers that we are thankful for the ways He has grown our faith and our resilience through our trials?

When we choose a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise regardless of our circumstances, that’s when we realize just how valuable our faith is. Our faith that is more precious than gold.

All of us at the ICU Mobile ministry place our faith and praise in God as we continue to move into more communities across the country. We give thanks and praise for the ways Jesus has moved in the hearts of women who made decisions to follow Him after hearing the Gospel. We glorify the one true God who has blessed us with donors, affiliates, volunteers, and an operational team He has provided for the benefit of His unborn sons and daughters.

Through the trials, we are thankful for the calling God placed on us and we are incredibly grateful for the ways you help us fulfill our calling through your prayers and donations.

May you all be blessed during this time of thanksgiving and praise.   

How Is God Calling You?
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:45 PM

How Is God Calling You?

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:45 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:45 PM

What an incredible year 2020 has been. From Covid-19 and lockdowns, to a volatile political landscape and abortion options expanding to day-of-birth options, we’ve all persevered through the most unexpected times.

No matter what happened on the political or social scene, ICU Mobile continued to launch new mobile units with affiliates across the country, we continued our Loving Life Initiative, and we kept our hearts focused on sharing the Gospel with those we serve.

Our daily prayer meetings continue to be filled with desperate pleas for healing in our country, while we consistently petition the Lord for our ability to continue providing care for women facing unexpected pregnancy. Our donors have been heroes for us, our affiliates, and the babies that have been saved throughout this year.

Even with many of the mobiles operating at reduced hours due to the pandemic, your support continued to make an impact on our ability to help women. To be specific, we launched 5 new mobile units to affiliates in Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Michigan during 2020. After sharing the Gospel with women who thought there was no hope left, 49 of them made a decision for Christ and 947 chose life for their baby.

The enormous blessing behind these numbers is that, in fact, they’re not just numbers. There are people behind every single thing we do. The people never failed to show up, do the work, and be the voice for the unborn.

The numbers we need help with lie in the expenses to make it all happen. Your donation is needed in order for us to continue to bless women and protect the unborn from harm. We need you to partner with us in the way the best fits your ability and in the way God calls you.

You have options for giving:

  1. Become a Friend of the Fleet by setting up an automatic monthly donation which will be used for training and ministry.
  2. Support our Loving Life Initiative and help us increase the number of mobile units across the country.
  3. Make a one-time donation to be used as the ministry needs.

As you prayerfully enter a time of giving, we are praying for you, we appreciate your steadfast prayers for ICU Mobile, and we are committed to the continued service to women in need.

The Power of Prayer
Monday, October 5, 2020 10:19 AM

The Power of Prayer

Monday, October 5, 2020 10:19 AM
Monday, October 5, 2020 10:19 AM

Have you ever felt your prayer life is a little underwhelming? In the busyness of life, we can find ourselves praying those rote prayers, typically on behalf of others, with generalizations and obscure requests. While our God wants to be in the mix of the mundane and He wants to hear those requests that are part of everyday life, He also wants us to honor His power and might through the things we pray for.

We all have the big, specific requests that sometimes we don't recognize as a prayer request because it seems like something that we have to execute on, or we see it as out of our reach. When we let our minds go there, we don't make any attempt on our own behalf to ask God to make it happen for us. We have the big prayers of an end to abortion, that we would be able to pursue our religious liberties without resistance at every turn, and that we would find success and prosperity in a world where it seems like it's harder and harder to achieve our dreams.

God is there waiting for us to ask very specific, very big things of Him. He's told us through scripture that whatever we ask it will be ours. Obviously, that doesn't mean that everything we ask for is right for us and it doesn't mean that anything and everything is at our disposal. It means that when we take our requests and our desires to God in faith, we will receive answers to those prayers in line with God's plan for us. Yes, sometimes unanswered prayers are, in reality, answered prayers. But there isn't a prayer that God doesn't answer. He answers all of them it may just be with silence, it may be with withholding, it may be a delayed answer, and it may be an immediate answer.

When we commit to being faithful followers of Christ and understanding that God has our best interests at heart, it's in those moments we can trust that we can share our deepest and biggest dreams, goals, and plans with the God of the universe. When we take every desire to God in prayer, we can take comfort in knowing that if it is truly meant to be, He will make it happen. At ICU Mobile, a prayer request from a woman who wanted to reach out and help pregnant women has turned into a national alliance of mobile units in communities across the country. Pray big and big answers will follow.

In our quest to control our lives and the outcomes of our desires we can forget to take these to God. When we don't take these things to God, we leave Him out of our plans in our life. And we all know how that turns out. The plans for our life are not actually based on what we want, they’re based on what God has already laid out before us.

Even when we aren’t sure what to pray for, we can petition the Holy Spirit to lead us in prayer. We can remain silent and allow the leading of the Spirit to petition on our behalf. Our prayer life should be robust and intimate, as God designed it to be. If you have a mountain that needs to be moved, tell God.

Never underestimate God’s ability to work miracles and His presence in everything you do. He’s already there, He’s already laid the groundwork. He’s simply waiting for you to approach His throne and ask for His provision.

"And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:22-24

How to be a Friend Like Jesus
Monday, October 5, 2020 10:17 AM

How to be a Friend Like Jesus

Monday, October 5, 2020 10:17 AM
Monday, October 5, 2020 10:17 AM

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

In times like these, it’s easy to feel persecuted and to want to break under the pressure of the day. A pandemic, a high stress political landscape, environmental disasters, tensions within our country that ultimately result in tensions within our own families – all of these can very easily lead us into a place of frustration and even worse, abandoning our faith when all of it becomes too much to bear.

“My grace is sufficient for you…,” Jesus said. Oh, to fully understand and immerse ourselves into these six words. Sufficient grace. For you. Jesus has an abundance of favor, love and mercy with your name on it. Whatever the day brings, Jesus is right next to you offering you the best of his grace to build you up and bring you through to the other side.

“For my power is made perfect in weakness…,” Jesus said. When we feel defeated through all the insults, illness, and persecution by those who are supposed to love us, Jesus is there with all His might to build you up. Our weakness is the very thing that gives Him power. When we feel like we aren’t enough, haven’t done enough, and feel like we want to give up those are the times Jesus’ power is launching into action.

Rest in this, friends. Yes, we are called to the daily battle for our souls, but God has sent the ultimate warrior to fight with us. Our weakness perfects His power. Our humanity reveals the supernatural reign of God, the healing and newness we receive from His son, and the ability to build our faith through the Holy Spirit within us. We need the One True God and our current situation has revealed this in ways we’ve never before experienced.

Now is the time to share the good news of God’s grace and salvation. Imagine what you, as a Christian, have been going through recently. Now imagine someone who doesn’t know God experiencing all this year has handed us. Where is their hope and their strength? How do they look at their future and find any sense of calm or purpose? Not only has Jesus given us grace and mercy and strength to endure a season of uncertainty and despair, but He has also given us the call to share His grace with others.

Your salvation has yielded unimaginable benefits beyond everlasting life. Your salvation has given you hope in this life. When you have a friend like Jesus, you can be a friend like Jesus. His power gives you the strength to share His saving grace with others and they need it the same way you do.

Certainly, John 3:16 is where we start when we share the Gospel with others, but 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 is how we follow up to show the power and peace Jesus brings to our time on earth. This promise that illustrates His faithfulness and His deep understanding of the battles we face here. John 3:16 shows us how to receive salvation for eternal life through Christ. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 shows us how we benefit from salvation while we’re still in our earthly bodies.  

Salvation is available to everyone, but the offer of salvation must be shared. Prayerfully submit yourself to sharing the power and grace of God.

 "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Your Home is Your Mission Field
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM

Your Home is Your Mission Field

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM

Missions are important. Wherever in the world they take you, missions are ways we carry out our call to be the hands and feet of God. Our mission carries us out into the communities of cities across America where women face an unexpected pregnancy and believe that their only option is abortion. We take this call seriously and we will be consistent and relentless in our efforts as long as God continues to call us to this purpose.

One thing we know is that first our missions begin in our homes. If we do not first witness to our children, our spouses, our neighbors, we are missing the opportunity God put in front of us as the easiest and lowest hanging fruit. Not that it’s meant to be an easy catch but that if we neglect our family in sharing the gospel the rest will be for naught. You see, when we start in our own home field, we work with God to create a foundation and a safe place built on His love and His word. This means everything else we do is based on His truth. When we start each day from a point of truth - our home field - everything else we do upon departing from our home mission field is a natural extension of the foundation we’ve built. There can be no stronger calling than the one that is built on layers and layers of missions that eventually take us out into the world where God has planned for us. 

But you’ve never been to the inner city, or Haiti, or Asia. It seems like everyone around you has gone on the God-ordained mission to serve people in need in other countries and other environments that have seen more difficulties than your own home field. Nonetheless, if God calls you no further than your front yard, then that is where He means for you to serve. 

Not everyone is called to serve abroad. We must be obedient to God’s calling on our life, whatever and wherever that may be. And knowing that those callings can change in a moment’s time we must be agile and willing. If God has called you to minister on home field and that seems confusing to you, prayerfully consider which areas He might be calling you to step out of home base. Is He calling you to step out with your finances, with your prayer life, with mentoring? Stepping onto the mission field isn’t about setting foot on foreign land, it’s about doing the things God has revealed for you with joy and faith and trust that His mission for you is perfect and in His perfect will for you.  

“For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” - 1 Corinthians 16:9

Saving the Hope of Stories Untold
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:32 PM

Saving the Hope of Stories Untold

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:32 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:32 PM

A baby is God’s story. Each one created in His image to walk the earth sharing the love of Jesus, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the light of God himself. God’s story lives on through each of us created in His image and this is precisely why each life should be protected at all costs. 

Every life, from conception, is a testament to the one true Creator of the Universe who created life itself. A newborn baby is in itself the very hope of God. Untold joy and promise fills every inch of space around a newborn child because we know He will change lives. He may not hold the cure to cancer but he may set his mom or dad on a different path. He may bring a new view on life that his grandparent never before knew possible. He might impact a teacher with a kind smile and save the life of a friend who needed his special way of understanding them. Your life has a story, every life has a story. A life aborted is a story untold. A life untold is one less witness to the love of Christ. 

Abortion takes life and it takes hope and it takes God’s work away from him. If we only have life because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, then how can we turn away our responsibility to save each life that can bear witness to His sacrifice and to His great love that everyone should have the opportunity to experience? When we live as though Christ is in us, we have a very unique experience to our lives. We see others from a spirit of love, we help with hands and feet that can’t help but be willing. We forgive, we forget, we put on new armor every day that clothes us in the loving spirit of a Savior who put every single one of us in this world before himself and died for us. 

We will all fall short of truly being Christlike but if we come alongside women and minister to the story they carry within them, we can help to preserve the love of the original Creator through the birth of His creations.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” 

- Galatians 2:20

The Ask
Friday, August 21, 2020 12:07 PM

The Ask

Friday, August 21, 2020 12:07 PM
Friday, August 21, 2020 12:07 PM

There are so many things your donations pay for, but the single most important result of your donation is hope. Hope can't be bought, but it is a tremendous outcome resulting from the services and products your dollars create.


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The Power of 'What If'
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:56 PM

The Power of 'What If'

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:56 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:56 PM

We all have “what if” moments in life. Any given “what if” could lead to a positive or negative scenario. In some cases, “what if” could literally make the difference between life and death.

It did for me.

In retrospect, “what if” can take on a whole new meaning.

Some memories are indelible. Like the day my pregnancy test was positive. I had always been the good girl, the smart girl, an authority-pleasing overachiever ... this could not be happening!

My world came crashing down. I fell apart, crying for what felt like hours. When my tears finally subsided, I made an emergency call to a confidante and, of course, started crying again. She immediately knew the reason. She assured me she could help–she knew of a “good abortion clinic.” She could make the arrangements for me, and I could make it go away, keep it a secret and go on with my life as planned.

In my situation, the opportunities for intervention were extremely limited. All I did was walk to the store, take a test, and make a phone call. Then save money, plan a cover story, and go to the clinic. It was all too easy.

The irony was both palpable and painful several years ago, when I was the keynote speaker for a Pregnancy Center fundraiser near my alma mater. When I researched their history, I learned they had a Center right down the street. I never knew they were there. That heartbreaking reality stirs up a world of “what if” scenarios ...

What if there had been an ICU Mobile Unit parked across the street from campus the day I took that dreaded walk to the store to buy a pregnancy test?

What if someone had been there to offer comfort and support, so I wasn’t alone in that critical moment?

What if there had been an ICU Mobile Unit parked outside the clinic the day my boyfriend drove me there because we felt trapped into an abortion?

Hypothetically, it was unthinkable. We were both Christians, after all.

We believed abortion was wrong–an innocent child’s life should not be taken because of someone else’s “mistake.” It’s stunning how different things appear when a hypothetical becomes reality, and the mistake is your own. We were upper-middle-class kids with good grades, big ambitions, and parents we didn’t want to disappoint. A teen pregnancy was an existential identity crisis. And once-unthinkable actions suddenly become justifiable options in a crisis.

What if we had stepped into an ICU Mobile Unit, desperate for a way out of our perceived disaster, and someone had been there to intervene with truth? Despite our overwhelming emotions, the truth was: we weren’t trapped. Our lives were not over. In fact, God had good plans for our lives–all three of our lives.

What if we had listened ... and believed? It could have changed everything.

That is the life-changing, life-saving power of mobile units.

That is why this work is so vitally important! ICU Mobile equips pregnancy centers and clinics to go beyond their four walls, wherever and whenever the needs are greatest. Working through these partnerships, this ministry is able to serve women, save lives and share the Gospel throughout the country.

What if an ICU Mobile Unit had been there for me, just off-campus or outside the clinic, and I received an ultrasound?

I believe that would have changed everything.

The beating of that tiny heart would’ve been irrefutable evidence of the truth I already knew, but couldn’t admit: God had given this child life. How could I deceive myself into believing his child was my choice?

What if I had enough love and support to make the right choice–to choose life?

Far too many women have “what if” moments like mine. Revisiting them can become a form of self-condemnation, which can grow into depression, addiction, or any number of self-destructive issues. I’m indescribably grateful God led me to a post-abortion Bible study at a Pregnancy Center, where I could understand and grieve the loss of my child, fully receive God’s forgiveness, release my guilt and shame, break destructive patterns, and experience transformative freedom.

That’s the life-giving power of redemption. With redeemed hearts, revisiting even the darkest “what if” moments doesn’t lead to oppression, it instead galvanizes us into action. That’s the path I choose.

It’s a blessing to help pro-life ministries like ICU Mobile save and change more lives ... every time I share my story, I know it honors the life of my child. And I’m grateful for that. But it doesn’t diminish the loss.

What if you had the power to help save women, and men, from ever experiencing that loss? What if you could be there in their moment of crisis, offering hope, truth and life-changing love?

You do. You can. As you give to support ICU Mobile, and pray for those on the front lines, “what if” becomes “what is.” And anything is possible.

By Lauren Roman

If you’d like to help ICU Mobile bring more hope into every community, please click here to donate.

Beyond Receiving Christ
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 10:17 AM

Beyond Receiving Christ

Tuesday, July 7, 2020 10:17 AM
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 10:17 AM

News of Atheists turning to Christ doesn’t typically create much of a public stir. When God calls someone like Lee Strobel into his flock, God’s name goes up in lights. Not only did Lee abandon his atheist beginnings when he became a Christian, he wrote The Case for Christ, which reveals his journey to Christianity. The book was made into a movie and Lee took on speaking engagements and acting roles, and authored more books to reveal Christ for others.

Lee Strobel lives out the call to life as a Christ follower in a way that inspires us all to share our Savior. It wasn’t enough for him to receive the Gospel and go to church on Sundays. He knew within him that he must do more for the One who not only made him, but made Him for more. Lee went on to write many more books all for the glory of God.

As we explored speakers for our 2020 banquet, we recognized that Lee Strobel has a story like so many of us. Once lost in many ways, now standing on the solid foundation of Christ. As an organization that focuses on reaching women for Christ, we can learn much from Lee while we also bless him through sharing the work of our mobile units.

When we receive Christ, everything in our lives goes beyond accepting the invitation. We become transformed and we genuinely want others to experience the unconditional love, deep joy, and life-changing grace that can only be found in our Savior. Lee Strobel committed his life through his work to sharing the life saving gift He received and we are blessed that He has agreed to join us at our 2020 Fostering Life Together Banquet as our Keynote Speaker.

We would be honored to have you join us for an evening to celebrate life in Christ that leads to choosing life for so many women we reach every day. Please register here.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

The Pro-Life Generation
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:49 PM

The Pro-Life Generation

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:49 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:49 PM

To truly be a force for change in the pro-life movement, we must become louder and bolder than the pro-abortion movement, and never stop praying over what we’ve been called to do. Planned Parenthood has successfully amassed billions of dollars and taken millions of lives due to their ability to rally their supporters who believe in what they do.

As the ICU Mobile Fund Development Manager, I am able to support a national effort to save the lives of babies. The way ICU Mobile approaches the pro-life initiative is not to remain still and stagnant, waiting for women to find them. Sylvia Slifko chose to question the standard model for reaching abortion-minded women. She prayed over a vision to go to the women who needed help and God sent helpers to her side to make His calling over her life a reality.

It is no longer enough to wait behind the counter for a young woman, who is facing so many pressures and so many obstacles to seek us out. Our call is to go to her so that her choice for life can be made on her own grounds and with people who are willing to show up where she is. It can be prohibitive for someone with limited resources to seek out and get to a pregnancy center. When transportation and funds are low and, perhaps, she has limited support, we can offer a glimmer of hope for her situation.

In the midst of the pro-life generation there is disruption and louder voices and more money on the other side. Let’s face it, the prospect of bringing a child into our current societal conditions isn’t exactly inspiring. We are able to share the hope of the God of the universe with women and that is the changemaker for us and for them. With God on our side, we know that our message of hope through new life is one that can take away the feeling of desperation. Women have the power to change the trajectory of the world.

God granted women the blessing of forming new life within our bodies, delivering humanity into being and raising them up into a new generation of Christ followers. When given the opportunity, this is the message we share. Their strength, their ability, their importance in sustaining a society in which we must have the hope of new life. And, they won’t do it alone. We will be the ones to walk alongside them, guiding them to the resources they need, praying over them, and loving both mother and child.

Every generation can be the pro-life generation. This is not stereotype that defines a set of people born at a certain time. Being pro-life withstands time and can be ingrained within all our hearts if we remain faithful, if we boldly speak out on the sanctity of life, and if we are willing to put our time and money into that which we believe. The pro-life generation should not be David to Planned Parenthood’s Goliath. It’s time for a role reversal. Your dollars become the stones we need to take down the giant threatening the lives of all generations.

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” - 1 Samuel 17:45

If you’d like to save generations in the name of Christ, please click here to donate.

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