When God breathed life into the idea of ICU Mobile into Sylvia Slifko’s heart, He made it clear that this ministry would accomplish two things: allowing women to see their baby and blessing women with the Gospel.
While the Slifko’s knew that lives would be saved and changed through this calling God placed in their lives, only God knew the real details about what was to come. From mobile units being deployed into more communities every year to thousands of babies given the chance at life and women dedicating their lives to Christ, but they couldn’t have anticipated the “extra mile” mobile unit teams would go for these women and their babies.
Our teams go beyond providing a service and a prayer. They develop trust, creating relationships that have become commonplace in ICU Mobile communities. Women return to the mobile units with their babies to share the joy of having a child instead of regret. In the true spirit of women helping women, individuals from our teams have taken their support from the mobile unit to the delivery room, coaching and holding the hands of women as they give life to the unborn.
Just as the King of the World was born to the fanfare of only those who understood the significance of His birth, ICU Mobile babies have the support and love of our teams who rally around each woman because they understand the significance of the birth of every baby.
Jesus was the most unexpected pregnancy. In spite of every factor against her, Mary chose life. She was an unmarried virgin, pregnant, scared, and undoubtedly confused. But the word of God delivered through angels gave her the strength and hope she needed to do what she was called to do. Praise God for her faith because her son changed every one of our lives.
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” - Luke 11:27
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Published on Thursday, December 10, 2020 @ 5:16 PM EDT